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Dennis has a few things to say about shame:
"Shame is guilt exposed. [Shame is my guilt exposed to other –editor] Ridicule 
is the exposure of guilt. [Ridicule is others decrying my guilt –editor] 
Shame/Ridicule form a pair like Blame/Guilt, from which they were spawned."

"That’s right, now that you can Timebreak there’s no longer any need for the 
confessional. You become your own confessor. Just Timebreak it all out; that’s 
all it’s necessary to do. Get it all nicely Timebroken the guilt feelings, the 
blame, the shame, the regret, the whole works. Lock the door and plug up the 
keyhole if it makes you feel a little bit better. But let’s get it done, shall 

So here is Muriel Chen's assessment of Shame.  The full text of Psychic First 
Aid is available at www.tromhelp.com/books in PDF and Kindle formats.

Keep On TROMing
Pete McLaughlin


 When you have not been allowed to feel real sorrow, or have not allowed 
yourself to feel real sorrow, the resulting sham of an emotion is shame. 

Shame and guilt are not normal human emotions. Shame has no source within 
you--it is something that has been dumped on you. 

Do not confuse shame with the powerful energy of remorse. 

The only first aid of which I am aware is to realize that shame is something 
that has been caused by another, or others. It can be ended. 

See a practitioner for a course in ending shame.

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