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From: C. Karalee <cygnifi...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jun 11, 2017 at 8:32 PM
Subject: RE: Dennis' "TO HANDLE" Process - FYI ONLY
To: Trom@lists.newciv.org

Hello, Trommers - karalee here, and ...

This data is all within the scope of Level Three timebreaking, using Level
Two when needed on sticking incidents, and it gives me a juicy bone to chew
on, so to speak, during Level 3 timebreaking.

Dennis' "To Handle" process ran:
"How have you handled your _______?" (for example, "mother")
                  -paired with-
"How has your ________ handled you?"

In my case, just as Dennis proposed, running this "to handle" process over
a year ago exposed and neutralized live covert game strategies picked up in
childhood, but at one point my egoic mind felt the loss severely and wanted
to murder someone, so i would say it is a tough process and one must really
want the end phenomenon to be able to stick it out, doing it Dennis' way.
and before embarking on Level Five.

In our current, almost daily sessions - myself and a twin - we've been
using Repeater Tech to time breakup hot IP states, toggling between the
postulate and its negative, i.e., "I must go to China" vs "I must not go to
China". We do it until no more change.

For true opposers it would run:
I must go to China" vs "China must not let me go to China", i.e., "must
know" with opposer "must not be known". I want to know China and China does
not wish to be known.  I'm superficially proposing that, and I have not
tested it out because we are getting good timebreaking of hot IP states.
and running true opposers this way might be premature. Plus I would need to
stick with life-oriented goals.

We are running out a hotly reading IP state re "the stupid people".  While
honoring Dennis' "to handle" postulate process, we ran:

"The stupid people must handle me"
       -toggled back and forth with-
"The stupid people must not handle me"


"I must handle the stupid people" vs
"I must not handle the stupid people"

If one particular person we were dramatizing as a "stupid person" was a
present time problem, we would use their name, i.e., "... stupid *(John

Yes, now that I think of it, we could have run Dennis' process verbatim,
"How have you handled stupid people?" and "How have stupid people handled
you?". Repeater Tech seems more "friendly", because I've had people close
down on me when using Dennis' wording, and they saw where that was going to
take them .... they just were not ready for that gradient of clearing, and
I found that my twin did not shy away from running "to handle" using the
above repeating postulates, and it was a familiar, workable tech we had
been using already.

Finding the right end word(s) might have something to do with it, because
we first started with a childhood incident the person I'm working with
discovered while asking some questions along the lines of his current
importances, and it contained mixed up and confusing implanted postulates
re "fixing the stupid people", and is a present day hot games condition
item for my twin.

I discovered it was a reading item for me too, and had an incredulous laugh
at who all actually came up for timebreaking.... ridicule, shame, blame,
guilt as methods of handling getting timebroken on all sides. I'm not
finished running out "ridicule" and am super-sensitive about it in my daily
interactions... both on the overt side and the motivator side of it.

In addition, whenever during sessions there was a cognition or a
"blow-down", or discharge, we would pause the exercise to give it a neutral
acknowledgement, for example, "I acknowledge that the only way out of this
game is to do Trom (or its ilk)".... Or the cognition along the way of, "I
acknowledge these are mental machinations designed to make the game persist
in time". [my twin's cogs]  Practicing neutral ACKS are a conscious
exercise in equanimity.

​It was revealing to me as I timebreaked whatever came up;  scenes of
shame/blame and guilt/ridicule got timebroken. Repetitively punching in
these postulates eventually took us up the goals scale, all the way to "To
Know vs to not know the stupid people", still discharging the IP states,
for example, "I must know China" vs "I must not know China".

Every now and then there is a sticking or sticky incident and one can spend
a little more time timebreaking it if they wish, and then continue with
repeating to oneself each postulate until there is no more change. We find
ourselves coming more and more uptone as we trudge through these postulates.
Dennis uses the term, "punch it in", and that is in effect what Repeater
Tech helps the person do - punch in the postulate.

It reminds me of the "Archie Bunker" show, where he enjoys calling his wife
Edith a "dingbat"
. Of course we all know that the category of "stupid people" works on all
flows, and is a way to keep another game going - a service effect and
overt/motivator cycle construct.

Nevertheless, we are inching (or centimeter'ing) towards Level 4, which is
quite amazing in my case, considering I started this journey pulling myself
up from "sub-human" mind range, into a relatively more human range, and now
making cleaner and cleaner postulates and reaches towards what Dennis calls
"beyond human" ... exterior viewpoints.

​Happy Trom'ing, and inner peace and equanimity for
all "lifers" and "non-lifers" alike.​ Walk in grace and mercy until no more
mind to burn off.
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