The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Very nice win.  You have gained control over your mind and recognize that by 
viewing past upsets you can make them vanish.  Very good and well done!

Keep on TROMing
Pete McLaughlin

Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 18, 2017, at 7:52 PM, The Resolution of Mind list 
> <trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:
> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> I'm in a fortunate position in that I am retired and am able to have almost 
> complete solitude to daily do RI and Timebreaking. I turn off the internet 
> until 9p.m.
> My case is rather heavy, I certainly don't see past scenes in full 
> technicolor - very hazy mostly, but I know what I'm seeing nevertheless so I 
> can still timebreak for now. I recall my mother crying crocodile tears when 
> she discovered she was pregnant but I stuck it out because I knew that if 
> only I could find Hubbard again I could make everything alright.
> I'm timebreaking Level three, but centered around the code of ethics and 
> Level Four's eight classes of overwhelms - motivators and overts.
> The problem I've been coming up against is that my mind is so jangled and 
> tangled that several different incidents come up willy nilly and I at first 
> let that occur and tried to timebreak it all from a higher or more 
> basic-basic viewpoint, but today I decided to focus on one incident that 
> occurred this lifetime, and I made myself keep looking at it, running off the 
> shame and blame, etcetera. 
> The interesting thing is that the more I simply kept looking at it (eyes 
> open) the more it started to vanish and I ended the session thinking almost 
> solely of the present-time reality of that person and having admiration for 
> them and being interested in them without the scene from the past coming to 
> the forefront.  
> I also realized that it was about postulate conflict of must be known for 
> creating good effects vs must not know the effects I was creating (did not 
> think they were good effects). Well, that's the problem with compulsive 
> motivator/overt driven must-be-known - it can't be bothered with finding out 
> what the must-not-know other might need and want or not want in terms of 
> having effects created upon it.  Try asking a heavy duty must-be-known to 
> voluntarily enact a complementary not-be-known postulate, haha, good luck.
> Timebreaking this lifetime is helping me get out of a domineering parent's 
> overpowering must-be-known valence. Well it's all just considerations and one 
> could say as Joseph in the Old Testament said to his evil-intentioned 
> brothers, "You meant it for evil but god meant it for good", and he only said 
> that to ease their conscience.... he was having too much fun being Pharoah's 
> right hand man :-)
> There are too many fun things to do in life than to be stuck in past overts 
> and motivators and non-life, self-sabotaging sub-programs in the mind, or to 
> be overly concerned that people seem to not be able to or not want to take 
> responsibility for their degraded/delusional condition and sufferings. Maybe 
> that's being a little too harsh, I don't know.
> To sum, honestly all I did was simply to keep looking at the incident until 
> the charge drained out of it and it vanished and I came into present 
> realities and importances - all the rest is additives. Yes, there was a lot 
> of tears and writhing and self-talk, etc., but I kept looking and it all 
> vanished.
> Happy timebreaking all 
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