Nightline looks like it will interesting tonight.  We've talked about liars
and con men before, so I thought some of you might be interested in this

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

TONIGHT'S SUBJECT: They were threatened, blocked, bugged, and they knew
that just by talking to certain Iraqis, they were sentencing them to
death. It wasn't easy being a weapons inspector in Iraq - something to
think about as the UN considers sending inspectors back in.


They couldn't talk about their plans in Iraq because they were certain
their rooms were bugged. They couldn't talk about their plans at their
headquarters in Bahrain for the same reason. In fact, they didn't even
feel secure at UN headquarters in New York, so their planning was done in
loud New York restaurants. In Iraq they got threatening phone calls. One
inspector was in his hotel room when the knock on the door and the cry of
"housekeeping" came. He opened the door to find two Iraqi men in suits.
They would often arrive at a site after following a circuitous route, but
the U.S. spy planes overhead could see convoys of Iraqi vehicles leaving
out the back. And sometimes they would talk to Iraqis, who would never be
seen again.

It all sounds like the stuff of a spy novel, and maybe even a comedy,
except that it was all very serious. It was a constant game of cat and
mouse, each side trying to outwit the other. As the UN is considering
sending new teams of inspectors back into Iraq, we thought it would be a
good idea to hear what it was like for the previous inspectors. We thought
we had a pretty good idea of what had been going on before, but we were
wrong. It was much crazier.

All of this comes as the debate continues in Washington. The House is
probably going to vote tomorrow, and the outcome is a foregone conclusion,
on the resolution authorizing the President to use military force against
Iraq. The Senate will probably vote next week, but passage there also
seems assured. The CIA sent a letter to the Senate saying that while
Saddam probably does have chemical and biological weapons, and is working
on nuclear weapons, he is unlikely to use them against the U.S.unless
attacked, in which case they expect Iraq to use whatever it has. There was
a flurry this morning as the White House went out of its way to say that
this in no way contradicts what the administration has been saying, and
then released a letter from the CIA director saying the same thing. All
this while the UN is still trying to work out the wording on a new
resolution about Iraq.

So Robert Krulwich will have the stories of the inspectors, and Ted will
be anchoring. The stories really are terrific, I hope you'll join us. Of
course, we are still watching the hunt for the sniper here in the
Washington area, and if there are developments, we'll report those as

Wednesday, October 9, 2002

Leroy Sievers and the Nightline Staff
Nightline Offices
Washington, D.C.

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