Blainer wrote:
> You quoted from some other writings--BH Robert--
> Studies of the Book Of Mormon.   I have doubts that
> you quoted in context--and even if you did report the
> full meaning of what was being offered, it at least supports
> my belief that BH Roberts was capable of honestly
> reflecting his beliefs in his writing.

Sure.  My purpose in quoting him was not to try and say that Roberts was
anti-Mormon.  I was trying to say that the evidence is not "anti-Mormon"
propoganda, as you seem to suggest.  For a Mormon authority like Roberts to
acknowledge such difficulties means that it deserves some consideration and
discussion rather than just dismissing the ideas as anti-Mormon propaganda.

Blainer wrote:
> But I would like the full context of what was written, rather
> than a few quotes here and a few quotes there, so I will just
> get the book.  I would like to get his overall views, not just
> a few isolated comments.

Good, get the book.  I sent you a link that should give you a 10% discount
at Amazon.

Blainer wrote:
> Nevertheless, I am convinced of the integrity of this writer,
> so will refer to him from here on.  You also seem to accept
> him, so we at least have agreement in this.  OK?


Blainer wrote:
> So, when we have a diffugalty, I may write the impressions
> of BH Roberts, and they will not be characterized as
> being biased, OK?

Wait, I thought everyone was biased.  LOL.  BH Roberts is one source.  His
word is not gospel, but I do consider him a good source of information.  He
is one of the more objective and intelligent Mormon scholars.  Nevertheless,
he was employed by the Mormon organization, and he was a polygamist, even
during a time when it was against the law.

Blainer wrote:
> I have to also say that I accept JS and his integrity,
> even though you do not, and will probably accept
> his point of view over any other, including BH
> Roberts.  OK?

I think that is misplaced trust.  It would be better not to blindly follow
anybody.  Those who trust in the flesh will not prosper.

We should accept what is in the Bible over what anyone else says, including
Joseph Smith.  If you want some foundation of authority, then I think the
Bible must be it, not some modern man who claimed to have revelation from
God.  Even his own writings admit that he was a sinner with faults,
fallible, and wrong at times.  Even in your own Scriptures he speaks in the
name of God asking Emma to forgive him for his sins.  To blindly trust a man
with such a tesimony is not wise, in my opinion.  Especially when he was
killed shortly later, though he warned that it would be Emma who would be
destroyed if she did not listen and obey what he was saying.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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