Glenn wrote:
> Here's the bottom.  Job claimed
> he was sinless.

He said that he had not sinned.  That might not be interpreted the same way
as saying that he was sinless.  God said he was without sin also.

Glenn wrote:
> You said if you claimed to be sinless you would
> not be sinless.  I get it.  Job was not sinless.

No, that is not what I said.  I spoke about claiming to be perfect, not
claiming to be sinless.  If a person claims to be perfect, he is setting
himself up for a fall.  That is not the same thing as saying that you have
not sinned.  If you say that I sinned yesterday, I can freely say that I did
not sin yesterday, and I might ask you to explain why you said that and to
show me my sin.

Glenn wrote:
> BOTTOM LINE:  You are not perfect as God the
> father is perfect.  Matt. 5:48.

How do you know?  How can you possibly judge such a thing when you admit
that you are not perfect.  Furthermore, you yourself say that we should not
judge such things, so why do you now think you are God and can judge who is
perfect like God?  Do you see God perfectly and clearly?  If not, there is
no way you can judge who is perfect unless God tells you.  You can't even
discern if Jesus is perfect, except that God the Father testifies to you
that he is.  If you are humble about this, the truth is that you cannot
discern perfection and you do not know who is or who is not perfect.

Glenn wrote:
> You never will be either, unless you join the Mormons
> and become a god in heaven.  LOL

If perfection were to come through joining the Mormons, I would gladly do
it.  I would join them today if perfection comes through doing that.
However, the way I read my Bible, perfection comes through faith in Jesus

I wonder what you think about the rich young ruler who wanted eternal life.
Jesus said that if he wanted to be perfect, he needed to sell all that he
had and follow Jesus.  If the rich young ruler did that, would he have been

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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