-----Original Message-----
Sunday, November 24, 2002 9:37 PM
The Israelites didn't work 5 days a week at an outside job.   My point is that apparently you are free on M-F to do the things that many people have to do on Saturday.   I'm still thinking on the practical side of things.   Do you worship on Saturday and then teach a SS class on Sunday?   I assume then you must attend two churches.  Laura




No, the Israelites worked 6 days a week. And without a washing machine or microwave! Of course it is difficult for a woman alone to do everything that needs to be done and hold down a “real job”. I do not believe it is God’s ideal plan for a woman to have to work outside the home. (But I have at times had to do so; or at least thought I had to at the time.) I believe that in the ideal situation a woman will have a husband or will live with her extended family, and thus find protection and purpose there. At the very least she needs to be connected to an extended church family, as you apparently are.  I know you are widowed. But the Lord has a plan for you, and if you wish to not have to work 5 days a week, I am sure He can provide a way for you. Our families and churches are sinning if they do not provide for their widows. You are welcome to come and stay with us, dear Sister!


I normally just “worship” on the Sabbath by having a restful heart attitude, spending more time alone with the Lord, and reminding myself that this is His day and not mine to do the regular things. It takes faith to believe that if I refuse to “get things done that need to be done” on the Sabbath, that the Lord will help me redeem my time during the rest of the week. (I’m a hopeless list-maker and detail-oriented, task-oriented compulsive, so this is hard!) I do as little “work” as possible. I give myself permission to listen to music, read, or nap all day long if that’s what my body wants to do. I believe this is very healthful in the long run; allowing the body, mind, and spirit to rejuvenate. The time between sundown on Friday and Saturday goes so fast!


We find it difficult with my husband’s schedule to attend regular Shabbat services on Friday evenings, so have not done that for a long time. However, I am hopeful that we can eventually find a way. We still consider ourselves “members”. We teach the early 2 year old class every other week on Sunday mornings, and attend the later service. We fellowship with Christians on a social basis, as well as at church. We also have some dear friends who are non-believers. We hope to be an influence for Christ by just loving them and being ourselves. But I try to avoid socializing on the Sabbath. I’m constantly trying to get better at this Sabbath thing. I envy anyone who got to grow up with it.


Sorry for running on and on…..




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