The Bible DOES say so. Perhaps you should read the testimony of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Daniel. When did they worship YHVH?
The name jehovah is not his name. It's a made up thing. There are no "J" sounds in Hebrew. (Hebrew is the language the Bible was originally written in... not King's English.)
You certainly fit the prophesy spoken of in Isaiah 5:20. (By the way, Isaiah's real name is Yeshayahu.)
For the record.....
Who cares about Protestant foundations.
Who cares about Jewish foundations.
Who cares about RCC foundations.
It's all stubble that will BURN in the fires of HELL. It's time every single one of us gets a Biblical foundation.
Personally, I think the members of this group are trying to discover if the foundation under their feet is Biblical or if they are HUMANISTIC DOGMA. This is highly admirable. Questions are being asked, states are being made, and most people are able to handle themselves without getting their panties all in a knot. If this is not to your liking, I suggest you go to Jack Van Impe's website and ask someone there. I'm sure they'll tickle your ears... they tickled mine for a year or so. Who knows, maybe you'll even agree on the Pre-Trib Rapture thing.
By the way, tell Jack I said "Hello."
-- slade
Regarding the comment "Stupid statement no. 2 - Friday ends at midnight now..." I fell I should caution you if you decide to go out tonight to defile the Sabbath. You should take great care as you drive home from the bar. You just insulted the CREATOR of the Universe and His HOLY day is about to begin. See you on the first day of the week if you survive. My children and I are going to spend my time with Him.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, 21 March, 2003 17:00
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Sabbath Breaker of Numbers

The Bible does not say so.  The Bible tells us no such thing.  Romans 14:5-6.  Why don't you call God Jehovah?  I call your doctrine a lie hatched out of hell by Satan himself.  Who are you to judge another?  Romans 14:4. 

Stupid statement no. 2 - Friday ends at midnight now.  Saturday begins at 12:01 now.  Facts are facts. 

Does anyone know of a discussion group where the owners believe in salvation by grace through faith plus nothing, minus nothing?

TT no longer has a Protestant foundation. 

We should worship YHVH on EVERY day... not just on the day you think Jesus was resurrected. I keep one particular day HOLY because the commandments tell me to do so. That day begins on "Friday" at sundown until sundown on "Saturday" night.

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