here's the source of the 'disconnect': 'those' (below) is plural; so 1) it is not a 'no brainer' partic while/when Gen Franks assumes temporary command of Iraq [a) Gen Franks can alter/control Iraqi law inc Sadams speed limits for both US soldiers and citizens at will (and is doing so now); b) but Sadam is at least equal to or greater in authority from God than Gen Franks--and these 'Godly' authorites conflict--keep in mind, neither of these men are Christians and you (as a Christian soldier OR Iraqi citizen in this example) are obligated (by your posted mindset/views) to obey both 'authorities'
ftr, i think DavidM is in approx the same 'intellectual boat' goin' roughly the same direction as yours (splittin' hairs) (from what I've read)--nevertheless it's just food for thought; i'm no expert or attorney; just hoping to be wise/serve God wisely--we'll see:-)
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 22:14:30 -0600 "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
This is a no brainer.  We are to obey those in authorrity over us, unless to obey them would mean disobeying God.  The only way I would be in that country would be as a soldier, under authority. Since Saddam hates the true God, any order he gave would be in conflict with the Lord's will.
If I were a Christian Iraq citizen, I would try, as far as was possible, to live peacably with all men.  This would include obeying traffic laws.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 9:28 PM
Subject: **Possible_Spam** Re: **Possible_Spam** Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

then some kinda disconnect arises in your posted view/s between 'law' and 'leadership'--note, though, i'm not terming this a contradiction now; (e.g.) how/why does your relationship to an outsider, Gen Franks, alter your relationship to Iraqi 'law'(?) (law which, given your view as i understand it, you would otherwise obey, i.e., as a regular Iraqi citizen, you, as a Christian, would generally abide by the letter of Sadam's 'laws' inc his posted speed limits--no?) (also, pls keep in mind this is a question for readers like me to try to process aspects your view--but just ignore it if you think it is not relevant--regards, g)
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 17:36:11 -0600 (Central Standard Time) "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>If I were working for Mr. Franks, I would obey Mr. Franks .  Mr. Hussein is not my leader, and as near as I can tell, that is unlikely to change soon.
so, if you teo were working for Tommy Franks, would either of you follow Sadam's posted speed limit on the road/s to Baghdad? 
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