Interesting.  I knew some women in the Salvation Army Auxiliary whose husbands were Masons.  They all hung together, you could tell—a pretty tight group.  They were clueless about Masonry as well. Izzy


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] REAL Christianity


It is possible that he is only a Mason to get their votes.  They are bound by oath to be loyal to one another.  I have a couple of Jewish friends that have no religeous leanings, but according to one friend, the Jews in this country at least, have a saying, "Sell to anyone, but buy only from another Jew."  How true this is I do not know, but if followed faithfully, one day the Jews would have all the money.  I think Masonic loyalty to one another follows a similar pattern, with business, and with politics. 


My husband was a Freemason but left when he realized.  Much of it is a business relationship.  They memorize a bunch of stuff and have no clue.  I would suspect that he is not actively involved now.  If you go back through history most political leaders in our country have some masonic roots.  It is almost like an adult boy scouts.  Not that I am condoning it. I do believe he is a man of God -  in fact I have a close friend who was in his company and can attest to his belief.   Laura





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