"ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Bruce,
So you believe that the whole OT is null and void now? Funny, I was under the impression that the first century Believers (including Jesus) worshipped at temples, honored the Sabbath, and believed that Torah was eternal.  But now it is "vanished away"?  Maybe it was the apostate papal RCC that "vanished" it--I don't think the Lord did. 
Good Morning Grandmother Izzy:
Judy here (another nanny) Possibly Bruce refers to the ritual law which is fulfilled in Christ...
As for me, neither of the Lord's Covenants are done away with--His OT and NT is written on my heart of flesh, rather than a heart of stone.  Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us; for after that He had said before, This is the Covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put MY LAWS (Torah) into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them." (Heb 10:15)
We can look forward to the Messianic Age (New Millenium) when, "...many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go for THE LAW (Torah), and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem." ((Is 2:3)
However, I agree that Jesus is our real "Sanctuary" today.  I find it interesting that you think that we can worship just about anywhere, except in a "church" building.  If one can worship in a prison, why not in a church? :-)    Seems like if we are in Him, we can even worship in a church.  LOL! 
Amen to the above Izzy.. I am blessed by your understanding and that of Kay. Where do you find these Messianic
places of worship?  I'm in fellowship with other believers but none live close enough for us to have a weekly time of
worship together so I cautiously began to visit a local IC; the people were friendly and the pastor down to earth and appeared to love the Lord so I was beginning to become hopeful.  I noticed it was becoming a bit sparse on Sundays and the SS teacher was absent - being new I assumed ppl were on vacation until I met one of the ladies at Walmart on Saturday and learned there had been a church split. I learned that the pastor fired his co-pastor for trying to help the deacons become more spiritual (whatever that means).  There appears to have been a power struggle of some kind and now most of the more mature ones are gone including several husband/wife Sunday School teachers.  Now what to do from here ....
Grace and Peace,



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