Hi Pagan Wolf.  More than a week ago, I received the following email a
few days after I discussed whether "serving homosexuals" meant giving
them my virgin daughters when they came to my house looking for flesh.
Do you know anything at all about this email?  Do you know who sent it
to me?

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

I am bedevilled by the sin of carnal lust of the flesh. Oh, dear God,
wodst that thee lift these unspeakable longings to thrust my beak into
the salty pink flesh of the Right Reverend David Miller's luscious
daughter Christine. Oh god forgive me, oh god oh god. I am so nasty you
cannot imagine the unimaginable things that go through my tiny mosquito
brain when i ponder how sated I would be if I were to quench my primal
thirst on her aching, virgianal flesh. Young female caucasion humans
have a distinctive odor, like fresh shrimp. mmmmmm. Amen amen Rev.
Miller. Pray for me. To live, I must suck. And suck and drink until I am
bloated with the juices of young virgins. Oh god my beak is becoming
erect and throbbing with anticipation for the moment when I slide my
pointy protrubriance deep into her parted tissue. 
Rev. Miller, will you read this bible verse over and over so that God is
appeased and I am forgiven and released from the bondage of my wet
desire? : "As a Dog returneth to (Drink) his own Vomit, so a fool
repeats his folly." Amen.
Love your ads.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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