>From: "Arsene Lupin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CPL: AP, TPW, why do you not reveal your real name as most of the
>TT'rs have. Is there something you're afraid of, or are you hiding
>from someone or something?

>TPW: Not fearful, I am in a line of work that requires me to. It's
>nothing personal and furthermore, what would my true identity bring
>you anyways? what possible use could you have for it?

So, you fear that someone in your line of work might find out that you are a pagan, so you are hiding it from them. I suspected you had something to hide. What line of work are you in that requires such secrecy? Or are you just embarassed to admit openly that you are a pagan?

>Besides PPL know me as THE PAGAN WOLF anyways. That user name has
>practically an Identity of it's own.

I get it. Sort of like "Mickey Mouse".


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