Look at how the
apostle Paul dealt with a similar situation in Acts 13:10 he said "O full of
all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all
righteousness wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord"
Then there was Peter with the newly baptized Simon in Acts 8:22 Peter
told him to "Repent of thy wickedness and pray God if perhaps the
thought of thine heart be forgiven thee for I perceive that thou art in
the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity"  Do you believe that
both Peter and Paul were walking in the spirit and in the bond of peace
and love here, or were they verbally stoning these people?   Judy
Like I said before, there is a time for everything.  This was a time for rebuke, yet Jesus was very kind and patient with the woman at the well and the other woman brought to Him to test HIm. Both adultresses, both guilty, but He did not jump on them or put on a holier than thou face.

There is no argument that the Mormons are lost sinners, but I expect sinners to act like sinners, and Kevin seems to expect them to act like saints.  You can scream at them all the verses you can think of, but if the Holy Spirit isn't leading the way, you are making enemies instead of converts.  That is fitting for someone full of subtilty and mischief, but these guys are not full of mischief.  Someone has filled them with bull, and they went for it.  It is very tempting to sell them a bridge I own over San Francisco bay.  Just kidding, I think we would all do better to pray for them.  That's just my opinion.

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