Blaine:  I think Paul was a disciple of an important Pharisee--Hillel-- 
before he was converted to Christ, and this training gave him the fertile
field he needed to fully understand and explain Christ to the disciples who,
although sincere, did not have the beautiful insights Paul's training gave
him.  They were, if you will pardon the expression, "sheep" compared to
Paul, who was a well qualified shepherd.  Paul was no doubt singled out by
the Lord to be a special; witness for this very reason.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 11:51 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] All truth leads to Jesus.

> Judy wrote:
> > They gave up their former way of life and thought
> > - in Pauls case he counted all of it dung.
> Yet Paul continued to be a Pharisee.  He did not forsake his foundation
> in Judaism, but instead God used his Pharisaical training to give us a
> significant contribution of the Holy Scriptures.  A person can consider
> it all dung in the light of Christ, but that does not mean that it is a
> sin to study and learn.
> Judy wrote:
> > We are focused more on Polanyi than Jesus here
> > and the subject line is backward.  The person
> > of Jesus IS ALL Truth.
> If Jesus IS ALL TRUTH, then all disciplines of study that lead to truth
> lead to Jesus Christ.  I think we have been more focused on this list on
> Judy than we have on Polanyi.  Who was Polanyi but another brother in
> Christ?  Why would you want to make him any more or any less than that?
> Does his great learning intimidate you or something?  Is ignorance
> bliss?
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> ----------
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