You see everything through dark glasses, Perry, sorry I can't help you.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Blaines Lost sheep of america

> >From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >   Blaine: . . . And the 43rd, and the 44th, and etc.  Sounds like he was
> >inscribing on metal and decided to skip a few years for brevity's
> >sake--ever tried inscribing on metal plates using primitive tools?  I
> >haven't either, but it sounds like a task and a half.
> I am sure JS doesn't need your thin excuse to cover his mistake. Let's
> it, JS just could'nt count. There are many more sensible ways he could
> abbreviated the sequence of years if that was his goal. He just could not
> count.
> >   Actually, this is just another instance of solid evidence that the
> >of Mormon was written as described in the book--on metal plates, slowly
> >painfully.
> There is a lot of "solid evidence" for evolution, too. But it has never
> proven.
> Come up with all of the possibilities you want, Blaine, regardless of how
> unlikely they are. I want proof...not a bag of unlikely possibiliteis.
> How is that even evidence? It now appears that you are inventing evidence
> out of nothing!
> >We should add this to the growing list of truths
> It is a mistake, then you make it evidence, now it is truth. This is what
> call the Mormon Side Step. Here it is in action, from mistake to truth in
> three easy steps.
> >that the Book of Mormon is true--Nahom, barley, concrete, etc.  which
> >put together begin to hint at a more comprehensive truth.  All truth is
> >related, and can eventually be put together to form an interconnected
> >circle of truth. That is what is happening, Perry, and may I suggest you
> >start looking at the forest instead of focusing on each individual tree.
> >Thanks for pointing it out, Perry!  As I have said, I do have some more
> >trees for you--when I get time, I will tell you about them.
> Perry
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