Hey David,

I basically started with a contemporary Arminian position and moved
backwards from there. If I were to rewrite that today I would probably begin
with something like Arminians believe that infants are born with no inherent
righteousness, or something on that order, and then build and demarcate on
that statement. I say something like this later in my handling of the
Remonstrants and Ariminius. However, I should have started here and moved
forward from it.

I must confess, much of what I said about Arminian beliefs came from my
upbringing in the churches of Christ, which are very close to Wesley in
regards to this question. The c of C did not teach that infants were sinful,
but did believe they carried the guilt of original sin. They did not teach
that deceased infants go to hell, but I was never really satisfied with
their explanations as to why they would be saved.


----- Original Message -----
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 8:47 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] On Infants who Die

> Bill Taylor wrote:
> > Finally, the Arminian theory approaches our issue
> > from a different starting point. In this paradigm,
> > all persons, infants, and adults alike, are seen as
> > fallen, sinful, at least partially depraved, and
> > guilty in the sight of God.
> What specific Arminians do you have in mind when you say that they
> believe that the infants are guilty in the sight of God?
> As I'm sure you know, Jacobus Arminius himself did not believe that.
> Wesley was probably the closest to believing this, but he made a
> distinction between Original Guilt and Guilt for actual sins.  You
> affirm this by quoting him later, showing that Wesley denied any would
> be damned for original sin.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> ----------
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