DAVEH:  I'm hung up on it because I find the popular Christian perception to be very interesting.  To me it is obviously symbolic, but to most Christians it seems to be a literal lake of fire.  Yet (to me) it seems so illogical.....That a loving God would punitively punish people who never had the chance to accept/believe Jesus by physically torturing them forever.  Seems pretty harsh.....even for the wrath of God, does it not!  Contrast that to the Lord's story of the prodigal son.....do you find both teachings to be at odds?
I have been thinking about this response.  Putting aside those who die without the opportunity to hear about Jesus,
DAVEH:  Why do that, Laura.  That seems like a much more interesting topic than the one you question below.
    What is your opinion of those who deliberately choose not to accept the gift of salvation?
DAVEH:  As I've said many times before in TT......Jesus is not going to force anybody to heaven.  So, if somebody deliberately chooses not to be reside with him in heaven, he won't end up there. 

    Having said that though......as I've also mentioned numerous times in TT.....I believe Jesus' resurrection applies to all men.  All (mortals) will be resurrected due to the grace of our Lord.  So.....in a sense, even those who reject the gospel message will benefit from our Savior's grace.
  Surely you don't think they get a second chance after death?  Laura
DAVEH:  The question becomes......how do you define what constitutes a first chance.  Does merely hearing Jesus' name mean that one has been exposed enough to the gospel to be convicted to a torturous eternal punishment if one does not grasp the concept of the gospel message?  Not in my opinion.  I believe there are a lot of folks who for numerous reasons simply do not understand the Savior's gospel message.  Will they be held accountable for their lack of knowledge....???.....not in my opinion.  At some point though, all will understand it.....as all knees will bow to our Lord.

Dave Hansen
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