Lance Muir wrote:
No, he doesn't. 'through a glass darkly'
DAVEH:  Though many of us do see "", that doesn't mean we should be seeing with clouded vision.  Jesus said......

.....Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven,......
.  Mt 13:11 & Mk 4:11 & Lk 8:10 you think the Lord doesn't want his followers to know the answers to the mysteries?

    Paul says...... of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.   1 Cor 4:1

.......would seems to suggest knowledge of the mysteries separates us from the knowledge (or lack of knowledge) of the unbelievers.

    Paul continues in Eph 3:9 to suggest he is helping all men understand......

And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ.

........Now go back and read 1Cor 13:12 again and ask yourself it you think Paul is suggesting we need to.....

......see through a glass, darkly;.......

.......or is he simply making the observation that that is the way a lot of us do see, even though it is not the will of the Lord that our eyes be obscured.

Lance Muir wrote:
just don't know (mystery) is a decent 'fall-back' position.
DAVEH?  What don't you know, Lance?   And.....why do you feel mystery is an acceptable fall back position?  Doesn't Paul infer that the gospel answers mysteries?

Dave Hansen
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