Yesterday JonathanH wrote: 
What one can claim is that they have a proper confidence in what they teach and think.  This is not absolute certainty.  It avoids such pride.  It refuses to confuse God’s word with our word.  What is hoped is that our words become a faithful interpretation of God’s words, that others may see through what we say to what God is saying to our hearts.
Judyt: Today my question would be what (in God's eyesight) is pride?
Is humility knowing and saying what Jesus says with the absolute certainty that comes through faith?  
Or is humility having confidence in my own personal thoughts and spreading what "I think" Jesus might be saying - wasn't it I, Me, and My that got Lucifer thrown out of heaven?  
Were the Bereans of Acts 17:11 proud to think they could examine what the apostle Paul taught alongside God's Word to see if what he said was so?  Is it pride to believe the same grace enables us to do this today?
Since Jesus is our Master and he left us an example that we should follow in His steps (1 Peter 2:21), what does Jesus have to say about this? 
We know from His own words that Jesus only said what he first heard the Father saying (John 12:49 & John 14:24)
We know that his hearers did not receive what he said because they did not have the word of the Father dwelling in them (John 8:37, John 8:43); they were counting on the fact that they were children of Abraham genetically to put them over.
We see that Jesus was confident about what he did and said because His teaching/words came from the Father and his hearers were condemned by their unbelief as we will be if we don't get it together because all of us will all be judged by the words He spoke (John 12:48).  
Jesus was humble (see Matthew 11:29) So God's definition of humility is saying what He says.
I have been reading a lot about "interpretation" and different kinds of mindsets that cause problems with this. However, God's Word needs no interpretation because He and He alone reveals the meaning to some and conceals it to others.
This is explained in Matthew 13:13-17.
The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him and He will show them His covenant .....

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