From: "Chris Barr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Judy Taylor
Would we like to live under this kind of oppression?  Being beaten and arrested for this kind of foolishness.
My, my, my ... what about all your obey the laws of tha land with Scriptural admonition you posted just before this?  You are such a hypocrite!  This "Christian" woman didn't obey the law of the land ... and NO I don't agree with the punishment but how hard would it have been for her to put a scarf on? You can't have your cake AND eat it too.  If you don't figure that out in this life then you will finally find out on judgment day on your way OUT.
jt: Excuse Me??  My point has nothing to do with women and scarves - or with civil obedience vs disobedience - I posted this as an example of what a loss of freedom in an oppressive regime looks like and this is one of the reasons why we are at war with Iraq. You will need to ask the Lord for help in revising your definition of hypocrite or begin to pay attention....
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Christian woman whipped under Islamic law
Arrested for not wearing traditional Muslim headscarf in public
Ahava b' YahShua
Baruch YHVH,
Bro. Chris
a servant of YHVH
----- Original Message -----
From: Judy Taylor
Sent: 06/23/2004 2:53 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Fighting for liberty and freedom
Would we like to live under this kind of oppression?  Being beaten and
arrested for this kind of foolishness.
What's wrong with peace through strength Lance?  Now that your tooth is
OK you should be able to think.  jt
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Christian woman whipped under Islamic law
Arrested for not wearing traditional Muslim headscarf in public
© 2004
Public-order police under Sudan's Islamist regime fined and whipped a
Christian woman for not wearing a headcovering in 100-degree heat.
Cecilia John Holland, 27, was on a bus heading to her suburban Khartoum
home April 13 when about 10 police officers forced the vehicle to stop
and dragged her from it, according to the British-based charity Barnabas
Fund.  The group said Holland was dressed modestly in long sleeves and an
ankle-length skirt.
The policemen struck her while forcing her into their vehicle where four
other women already were inside, the British charity said. She was held
overnight at the police station. The next morning, Holland was taken to
Sizana Islamic Court where the Muslim policemen testified against her.
She was not allowed to make a statement or speak in her own defense.
The court declared her guilty of charges she was "standing near a garden
at night" and not wearing a scarf on her head.
She was sentenced to 40 lashes on the back and a fine of 10,000 dinars,
the equivalent of a month's wage.
Authorities released her that afternoon after being whipped and paying
the fine. Earlier in April, the government had renewed its insistence
that all Sudanese citizens residing in Khartoum would be under Islamic
law. Barnabas noted Holland is one of more than 2 million non-Muslim
southerners in the capital area who have been displaced as a result of
the 21-year civil war between the mainly Arab Muslim north and the mainly
African Christian and animist south, which has been fighting Khartoum's
imposition of Islamic law.  Holland, who has paler skin because of a
Europeoan grandparent, might
have been mistaken for an Arab Muslim, but the British group says her
name and accent should have proved her Christian and southern Sudanese
identity.  Police reportedly told her no one, "not even a non-Muslim" was
exempt from the Islamic dress code.

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