For all the ages prior to YahShua on earth including approximately 4,000 years of man’s time on earth, Satan didn’t know that the specially ANOINTED MASHIACH to be OVER ALL CREATION really was to be Yah Veh Himself!

"Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that Elohim has made that same YahShua, whom you have crucified, BOTH Adonay AND Mashiach." (Acts 2:36)

These words of the first sermon given under the unction of the Holy Spirit rang out in the ears of Satan. He has spent the last approximately 2,000 years of man’s time on earth trying to mystify the revelation of Yah Veh in flesh unto men, even as it was kept hidden from him for over 4,000 years!

Hebrews 9:26 – "For then must He often have suffered SINCE the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world has He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself"

The ANOINTED MASHIACH to be OVER ALL CREATION, was to be Yah Veh Himself. He did not "pre-exist" as "another" deity, or literally as a Lamb, BEFORE, FROM or SINCE the "foundation of the world", that very "time that sin began in man", or else He would "often have suffered SINCE the foundation of the world". Rather, "but now ONCE in the end of the world "age" has He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of HIMSELF"!

This is fulfillment of the prophecy given by Abraham, as recorded in Genesis 22, when he was preparing to sacrifice Isaac. In answer to the query of Isaac as to "where is the lamb for a burnt offering" Abraham replied prophetically: "Elohim will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering." The statement was that Elohim would provide "HIMSELF a lamb" -- not "a lamb FOR HIMSELF".

As further testimony to this prophecy, a lamb was not provided in place of Isaac. It was an adult male ram, even as YahShua would be BOTH an adult male and Yah Veh "HIMSELF a lamb".

"And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with ALL your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)

Blessings To Each Who Believes That He Is (Not They Are),

Who Diligently Seek Him (Not Them)

For You Shall Be Rewarded

Hebrews 11:6

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