It is an oft repeated error since the 2nd century ... hence "church fathers" leading away from the faith once delivered.  You see, the "rock stars" from the early centuries of the common era were the philosophers.  Justin Martyr and Tertullian (as well as countless others) were pagan philosophers pressed into evangelical service and made LEADERS (despite Rav Shaul's admonition in I Timothy 3:6) immediately upon their conversion. 
jt: Thomas Aquinas (another so called Church Father is one I find most frustrating. He spent years trying to blend the philosophy of Aristotle with scripture.  Luther called him a "pagan rascal" and said his writings deceived the best Christians.  That must have been a hard time to live in since the Bible was chained to the pulpit.
THAT is why Christianity became mixed with paganism, because pagans were just trying to reconcile their new found faith with their old pagan ways.  THAT is whence and why came the polytheism-wrapped-in-monotheistic-wrappings trinity (just for starters).
jt:  Do you believe that there is a Godhead Chris?  How would you explain it?
I saw it happening with Dylan ... I spoke against it ... I was not at all surprised at what happened ... although Dylan is responsible for his own decisions there are MANY (including many leaders) who bear much responsibility for the decision he made.
Shabbat Shalom!

Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The SAVIOUR)

Baruch YHVH,

(Bless The LORD)


Chris Barr

a servant of YHVH

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 07/24/2004 10:24 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] 400+ different theologies and systems

I really like those lyrics, G—so true!!!  BTW, didn’t Dylan get saved and then lapse back into his old ways?  I’m not trying to slander him or anything, but I’ve wondered what happened to him.  What’s the latest on his walk with the Lord? Izzy


Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2004 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 400+ different theologies and systems




On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 10:59:33 -0400 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

..I'm willing to submit to and walk in fellowship with anyone through whom I hear the voice of the Savior.



are you sure?


<<Go ahead and talk about him because he makes you doubt,
Because he has denied himself the things that you can't live without.
Laugh at him behind his back just like the others do,
Remind him of what he used to be when he comes walkin' through.

He's the _property of Jesus_
Resent him to the bone
You got something better
You've got a heart of stone

Stop your conversation when he passes on the street,
Hope he falls upon himself, oh, won't that be sweet
Because he can't be exploited by superstition anymore
Because he can't be bribed or bought by the things that you adore.

He's the property of Jesus
Resent him to the bone
You got something better
You've got a heart of stone

When the whip that's keeping you in line doesn't make him jump,
Say he's hard-of-hearin', say that he's a chump.
Say he's out of step with reality as you try to test his nerve
Because he doesn't pay no tribute to the king that you serve.

He's the property of Jesus
Resent him to the bone
You got something better
You've got a heart of stone

Say that he's a loser 'cause he got no common sense
Because he don't increase his worth at someone else's expense.
Because he's not afraid of trying, 'cause he don't look at you and smile,
'Cause he doesn't tell you jokes or fairy tales, say he's got no style.

He's the property of Jesus
Resent him to the bone
You got something better
You've got a heart of stone

You can laugh at salvation, you can play Olympic games,
You think that when you rest at last you'll go back from where you came.
But you've picked up quite a story and you've changed since the womb.
What happened to the real you, you've been captured but by whom?

He's the property of Jesus
Resent him to the bone
You got something better
You've got a heart of stone

Bob Dylan
Copyright © 1981 Special Rider Music >>


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