I was speaking in regards to the concept of "leaving it to chance" (so to speak), not an attempt to get a lot for little effort.
Winning a door prize, drawing straws, casting lots, peering under bottle caps for a free Coke and the like all fit in the "games of chance" category with gambling.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Monday, 20 September, 2004 22.18
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Judgment?

Slade Henson wrote:
How about casting lots?
If I remember correctly, the priests at times cast lots to determine God's will.  That was not gambling.

The soldiers who crucified Jesus also cast lots for His garments.  Since one of the garments was very well made and of some value, they would not want to divide it among themselves and end up with only rags, so they cast lots to determine who would own it.  I have heard many people say that they gambled at the foot of the cross, but I do not see it that way.  Like entering a drawing or hoping to win a door prize, they had nothing to lose, just something to gain.  The winner had the garment.  The others still had everything they had before.  Similar to drawing straws.

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