I suspect I will be accused of "cut and run tactics" but it is time for me to bow out on this thread. I see that I cannot achieve any understanding with those that need it because they hold the Nicean Creed above scripture.  Although, this will probably be denied.
To attempt anything more is a waste of my time.  It seems odd to me that the God of the Jews is claimed, yet rejected by Christians who change His work and words.  God says in Mal. 3:6, "I YHVH do not change..." 
Yet "Orthodox Christianity"( read Nicean Creed...) has changed Him.
                                                       How odd of God
                                                       To choose the Jews,
                                                       But not so odd
                                                       As those who choose
                                                       The Jewish God
                                                       And despise the Jews.  Author unknown
  Like it or not people, Christianity is in reality Jewish!
TTFN, Jeff

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