Mr Smithson not testy?  Hmmmmm. 
All that aside, you really out did yourself John! It was very well put!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 6:22
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Kryptonite Theory of Sin
Big portion of this post cut...

   Slade and Jeff, as testy as they can be (thank God I am not that way), live their lives JUST LIKE I DO  ....   with no more intensity for God's expressive will in their daily walk than either you or me.   Unity can be found, Judy, only in the way we live our lives.   And not one member of TT actually lives their lives  differently than the others.   Terry "ministers" all day, every day in his store.   We are all looking for the opportunity to share Jesus.    Talk and walk are two very different things.    We can talk without understanding, but we cannot live our lives for Christ without something real going on inside.    THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.   Now, that does not mean we are perfect (Sorry DAvidM   -:)  ) but it does mean that we all DOING the best that we can with the help of the Lord.   The atheist friend, who occasionally contributes to this forum,   his life is blessed by the same God I serve.  All that is good and perfect comes from the Father of Lights.   Period.   And before he dies, there WILL BE A TIME in which he hopes or wonders if there is more.   Why  --- because we have been made for the NEXT LIFE, not this life.     That is where we are going with all this.   That is why I have insisted that the Garden of Eden was transitory  --  as is our very lives.    We are the seed in God's garden.  "Heaven" is the  bloom, the flower, the tree, THE reality   - the end result - our destiny. 

John the Eloquent  --out !!

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