I got up and began just wondering around the book store  --  totally focused on this discision about to be made  (some would call this "prayer.")   No one to talk to.   No help.   Just me and my poor old dumb self.    I rounded the end of one of the book racks and started down yet another aisle.   I looked to my left  --  a long rack of books for sale.   Sitting face out, on the top shelf was a little book  -----   the title:   "The practice of the presence of the Lord"  by "brother Lawrence."  For "some reason,''    I went over and took the book in hand.   On the back cover were these words shouting at me as if it were the voice of God Himself :  "Brother Lawrence was a man of humble beginnings who discovered the greatest secret of living in the Kingdom of God here on earth.   It is the art of 'practicing the presense of God in one single act that does not end.'"   If that is not the same as "know ye not that as many of you as have been immersed into Christ himself have put on Christ,"  then I do not know how to read.   Anyway, it was the same to me.  A visitation.    Not too weird?  That is my word for such events.   I like the sound.   It is my way of admitting that God has a personal interest in me and that, at times, He pays me a visit  -   even finds ways of talking to me.   One of my kids ask me, one day,  "Dad, how come God doesn't just talk to us like -- you know, normal?"   My answer  -  "because the still small voice does not run the risk of SACRING THE HELL OUT OF YOU."  

But He spoke to me that day  -   never read that little book   -  put it on my shelf in plan view so I will never forget.  Have read the back cover many a time.  

Nappy time

John the Beloved  -----------------------------out!!!!!!!


John, you should read it.  It is probably the most life changing (non-Bible) book I have read in my life.  Izzy


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