In a message dated 1/14/2005 10:04:42 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

jt: Obedience is not "works" John and obedience is essential if you are to love God with all that you are.

"justified by faith apart from works of (the) law" is the text in question.  If "works of law" is not "obedience to law,"   what is it?

jt: We are no longer under the Mosaic Law the way it used to be; we are now under grace and we fulfil God's Law by our obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Huh?    Bless your heart, Judy Taylor.   Are you trying to tell me something that I do not know?   None of this has anything to do with my question.  When Paul speaks of "works of the law,"  what else could he be talking about if not "obedience?"   Give me an answer, paleeese.  

We are saved  .............................  apart from  ...................(God's) law.  There, is this better?  Stay with the text (Romans 4) and tell what THAT text is saying, all by its lonesome.


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