Dave Hansen wrote:
> ... how do you explain that judges would have been
> originally construed to be gods?  Why not just leave
> it as judges, or perhaps use another word?

I see it like Perry does.  These judges represented God.  It is like when a 
U.S. Judge makes a decision, we say the U.S. says ..., or when a U.S. 
Ambassador represents his country, others might refer to his words as being 
the words of the U.S.  God is basically saying that he had anointed them to 
represent him and he had given them his power and authority, even his name 
(Elohim... ye are Elohim (gods)), but because of their irresponsibility, 
they will die like men.  The real Elohim will arise and judge them to whom 
he had said, ye are Elohim.

If you study Psalm 82 carefully, you will see many places where the word 
"Elohim" is used.  Context will tell you when it is referring to Elohim in 
heaven or his representatives on earth.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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