Lance wrote:
> Further, Linda does indeed say what amounts
> to, "I am of David". (Linda, please illustrate for
> us with what frequency you 'amen' David
> (WOW that was an awesome post, David!)
> Sorry David, but ya gots at least one disciple.

Linda also has disagreed with some of my posts.  Expressing agreement does 
not make someone a disciple.  I have expressed agreement with you on some 
posts.  Does that mean that you think I am YOUR disciple?

Lance wrote:
> Private interpretation DOES INDEED EXIST
> ON TT!!

Some might privately interpret Scritpure, but for the believer, this is not 
allowed.  I would hope that anyone who expresses his viewpoint is doing so 
with the idea that someone will correct him if he is wrong.  Our goal is to 
adopt the message being conveyed by the Holy Spirit in Scripture, not our 
private interpretation of it.

Lance wrote:
> Who among us says: "What I'm about to say
> that differs with what you say has no biblical
> foundation whatsoever, as I interpret Scripture."

I don't have that good a memory considering the volume of posts made here. 
Maybe it was Judy.  You had better ask whoever authored that what they 
meant.  I hope it does not mean that they have a right to interpret 
Scripture their way and others have a right to interpret Scripture in a 
different way.  It sounds to me like the meaning is that based upon their 
understanding of Scripture, what they are about to rebut has no Biblical 

Lance wrote:
> Am I incorrect in identifying you, Judy and Linda
> as having a dislike, if not disdain, for 'tradition'?

I can't speak for them, but for me, I appreciate tradition.  I would not say 
that I dislike tradition.  At the same time, I recognize bad tradition as 
well as good tradition.

Lance wrote:
> What, as y'all see it, replaces this (tradition) is your
> (correct) interpretation of Scripture.

No, you don't perceive it accurately here.  My view, and I assume that of 
Judy and Izzy also, is that Scripture is the ultimate authority, and if a 
tradition is not bearing good fruit, and it is not in Scripture, we should 
not be afraid to depart from it.  The truths of Scripture are eternal, but 
the fruitfulness of tradition is often temporary.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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