Kevin Deegan wrote:
So back to your question what specific "behavior" do you want me to comment on?
What are their "ANTICS" as you put it?
DAVEH:   Waving underwear seems to be an antic, to me.
Why does the City (LDS Mayor, LDS city Board) think they need to PROTECT the SP's from the Mormons?
DAVEH:    You'd have to ask him, Kevin.  If you read his words, and didn't understand them, why ask me to comment on something I didn't read?
Ehat does that say about LDS?
DAVEH:   All I know about Ehat is that he (along with Cook) compiled THE WORDS OF JOSEPH SMITH.  Other than that, I don't know what Ehat's comments were regarding LDS.
On the other hand Maybe they do want to PROTECT the LDS from the SP's As the local Newspaper put it "MUZZLE" More than a few times. The real problem is the BIBLE offends Mormons. It is the Biggest ANTI book.
Just Like the bible says Heb 12:19 "which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more"
They Intreat, PLEASE NO MORE, get that old black book out of here!

Dave Hansen
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