In a message dated 4/13/2005 11:20:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I think you are talking about the way they read the New Testament, straining
at the letter of it.  What I was talking about was how they approach Torah.
If I had a nickel for every time I quoted an Old Testament passage to a
Church of Christ man and heard back, "that passage is Old Testament law, we
are New Testament now..." why, I would have a small fortune.

Let's talk about this for a while.   Who are these folks that could have made you a rich man.   Names.   Maybe I know them.  You sure do have a wide range of experiences, as do many on this forum.   But,  I mean,  Phd or is it a Masters  (seriously  --  I have seen you speak of one and then the other). Nine years as a research scientist, a college professor, a divinely appointed Prophet and now a software salesman (?)  What ?!!!  Extremely interesting.  

Who in the Churches of Christ --   apparently enough to make you rich at a nickle a pop  -- are these masked men.   15 or 20 names will do  --  won't make you rich but that will do. 


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