Ohh, Judy, your biases are so showing!  In post after post, you presume to know so much about the Mormon religion. I am betting you actually know very little.    If I am wrong, please supply me with a little real argument/evidence to show me you are truly in the know.  The last time I called you on this, you came out with some sick testimonials/opinions, which came from persons who reasonably had an ax to grind.  I am not interested in these again,  just proven truth.  OK? HINT:  Kevin shows (attempts to show) evidence.  That's what I am asking for. 
In a message dated 6/14/2005 1:06:02 PM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
What is the example given in the scriptures?  Do the apostles and
prophets highly
esteem and revere false and pagan religious systems fearing to profane
them lest they
hurt some feelings out there?  What good does all your information do you

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