Charles Perry Locke wrote:


Are you saying that the BoM is indicating that men of the bible that were contentious were of the Devil?

DAVEH: Nope.....I didn't imply any such thing. I was merely answering Kevin's question as succinctly as possible to avoid giving you an excuse to accuse me of preaching Mormonism. Were I to elaborate, I suspect you would have continued your complaints against me.

Perhaps the pharisees were because thier desire for contention was not to make a point of truth, but to try to entrap, but Paul? Elijah? Wow, could this be yet another of satan's signatures on the BoM? Trying to make the good guy out to be the bad guys?

DAVEH: That's the problem when you take things out of context, is easy to draw incorrect conclusions.

Actually, since I do not accept the BoM as fact, but the Bible, it says that Satan is the father of lies. That is yet another reason I see his signature on mormonism, because I know he is the father of lies.

DAVEH: Perhaps that's a major difference between us, Perry......I don't have an ax to grind that prevents me from seeing the signature of the Lord when I read the BoM.


Kevin Deegan wrote:

So you accept this scripture?

DAVEH: The question is not whether I accept the passage, Kevin....but rather if you accept it. Do you think the contending part applies to you?

 When are you gonna stop the "foolish genealogies"?
 No contending about the Law! It applies to ALL
 Where do you get thye teaching that "contention is of the Devil"?

DAVEH:   From the BofM, 3Nep 11..........
29 For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another.*

..........Is it your desire to stir men to anger, Kevin?

*/Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    Kevin Deegan wrote:

> And you know LDS say contention is of the Devil. Must have got the
    > teaching where JD caught it.

    DAVEH: Or perhaps JD got it from Titus 3:9

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