That is exactly what must be done. Discerning the heart of God. Of some making a difference. God will direct.

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am certain that what you say is true of some preachers, Blaine, but you cannot reasonably say that they are all stamped with the same mold.  I would suggest that the majority of them are led by the Lord to do what they do.  Sometimes, as John the Baptist did, it is necessary to shout and condemn.  At other times it would be better to quietly explain, in love, what the Lord has given them to share.  That is why my last line not only gives thanks for them, but asks that they be given more wisdom to discern what approach to take with different crowds or individuals.

Blainerb:  Good thoughts, Terry, but with the last one (in red) I have to take exception.  Street Preachers do not preach, which if done right is a form of teaching-- they simply carry signs with a mixture of Bible verses on them, none of which are shown to be related  in any meaningful way, and shout equally meaningless nonsense through their truth horns.  To teach, one must show how something relates to the pupil, and how the lesson concepts relate to one another.  This ideally must be done with individual pupils in mind, since every pupil learns according to his own individual style.  The hodgepodge I see on the signs and blowing through the air via truth horns is just mostly uninspiring nonsense.   If anyone gets any "message," I would be very surprised.
In a message dated 6/16/2005 7:46:24 PM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Just finished watching a show on one of the Christian channels on the
dish.  This evangelist/ preacher was going to college kids, trying to
show them their need for a savior.  It was done with minimal preaching,
mostly one on one with the individual or small group in an interview format.

The absolute ignorance of the average college kid is unbelievable.  When
he asked for them to name the ten commandments, no one could name them
all.  Very few knew more than three, some knew none, and some did not
even know there were commandments.  None of then knew that they were to
love God.  When asked how many brands of beer they could name though,
these same kids easily came up with ten.

He would ask them if they had ever lied, ever lusted, ever fornicated,
ever stolen, and every one admitted to doing at least a couple of these
things, some admitted to doing them all.  Then the interviewer would
say, " since you are a liar and a thief, and you have done what God
says  you must not do, where do you think you will spend eternity?"  The
answers were either,"I am going to Heaven because God is too loving to
send me to Hell for little sins,"  or the answer was " there is no God,
no Hell".  No one thought that they would spend eternity in punishment. 
If there is a God, He is too nice to punish people.

I am reminded of a statistic put out a few years ago by the Southern
Baptists.  It said that of all the kids that were raised with regular
church attendance being part of their life experience, eighty-eight
percent of those kids, when they left home, would also leave the church,
and never return.

Thank God for the street preachers.  May their numbers and their wisdom
increase.  These kids will never hear Christ preached from a pulpit.

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