In case you were wondering.......
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: silence
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 08:01:32 GMT

Hi Terry;

Thanks for asking.  We are still in Melbourne and it has been a bit rough but the Lord is faithful.  The funeral itself went welll and I did the reading (23rd Psalm) but the problems began with my mother's estate and will that could have divided the family.  However, the Lord is faithful and His grace has been with me.  Our kids are gone; one left last Friday and the other three left this morning.  We will be leaving next Tuesday.  I had thought of re subscribing from here but have been too busy so far.  They raided some Muslim terror cells here in both Melbourne and Sydney today - so it seems Australia is on the list also.

Please relay greetings from me to the ppl on Truth Talk.  Hope all are well and richly blessed,


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