If any other TTer would like to answer these  questions-I would be delighted.


 1 After the fall can man chose to come to God on his own? The decision to surrender to the Lordship of Christ has to be his/her own decision.  No one ever makes that decision unless first drawn by the Holy Ghost.


2. Does our good have a to do with any condition for God giving us salvation (ie. Christian view of we can/are saved now).   Goodness is not a pre condition for salvation.  It is commanded after salvation


3. Did Christ die for all men or only the saved (ie.the elect).   The blood of Christ shed in our behalf was valuable enough to secure the salvation of every  person ever born, but it is only applicable to those who are willing to repent and have their sins covered by that blood.


4. Can one reject God and salvation ? Most people do.


5. Can a person "fall" from the Grace of God (lose salvation in the traditional Christian view)?   No one can pluck us out of His hand,  but we can let go of His hand and  go our own way any time we choose.   The Groom will never divorce His bride, but the bride is free to divorce the Groom.  He will not force you to be His bride.





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