Dean Moore wrote:
cd: Judy I think we are being called ignorant by Miller,Bill.and others will add their remarks to show their superiority. Yet for a week now they could no come to any conclusion on the meaning of one word in the Bible-Yet us ignorant people gave the meaning of the present and future tense of the word sanctified as Christ taught in the bible the first time out. Imagine what would happen if these superior Genius' decide to interpreted the entire bible-all of us ignorant people would be in heaven-with the other ignorant people- before they could complete one book of the bible.I thank God that he had pity on us poor dumb humans else our IQs would prevent us from ever obtaining salvation-and then only the wise superior intellectuals would make it. Yet have you noticed how must that same group lacks in understanding-They don't even know to keep God's commandments and see no difference in the behavior of the saved and the lost-they believe we all are ongoing sinful people. They often run around speaking in tongues that no one ca n understand to show how holy they are while no one can figure on the meaning of their words-Maybe they are repeating the answer to the present passive voice question in a heavenly language and don't know it. So don't feel bad God love stupid people too-we will just have to make use with the little intellect we have:-)
Preach on CD.  You are playin' my song!!  :)

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