In a message dated 12/15/2005 8:12:57 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Please tell us your view of resting on the Saturday Sabbath.  I hesitate to bring up the subject because of such stinking attitudes from some on TT.  iz
Blainerb:  I think the Saturday Sabbath is great, more power to anyone who keeps a Sabbath of any kind, providing they sincerely believe they are in the right.    The key here is that we are consistent and honorable in what we do--that we maintain our integrity.  As one man put it, "Whatsoever thou do est,  O man,  play the part well."
But Saturday Sabbath obviously is a hold-over  from the Law of Moses, so as such it is no longer binding--It was, further, the practice of early Christians to honor the Lord's Day, or the first day of the week, Sunday, in deference to the Lord's overcoming the final enemy of mankind, death.   

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