''Deceived people don't know they are deceived' Is it in any way possible that YOU ARE DECEIVED, Judy? Deception carries with it a particular meaning. Misapprehension carries with it a different meaning.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: January 06, 2006 07:03
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Idoloty

Do Catholics think of these statues as "idols.?"   Are they not expressions of their faith in God and His Christ?   None of the idols of the Message were attached to the Living God.   The compaison, Dean, that you make is not a biblical one. jd
Catholics or members of the rcc are taught that the ONLY way to heaven is through the Roman system so they are deceived
right up front; they may not "think" of their statues and dead saints as idols but this does not mean that they are not. Deceived ppl don't know they are deceived.  Even the Pope John Paul II revered Mary and prayed to the Black Madonna. 
cd: John this message was in my drafts folder-so I sent it today not intending to rehash old augments by preaching the old gospel in modern times but to enlighten as the old gospel has never changed. I disagree as if is very biblical. It doesn't matter what the catholics"think of these statues"
Not true.   I have a picture of "Jesus " in our family Bible.  Is that an "idol?"   Of course not.  And why  -- because I say so !!!   I decide if an idol is a god or not.    That is precisely what is wrong with an idal.  I am the one who decides it to be "a god."   Catholics use statues as "objects lessons" as they function and communicate with God.  The RCC is a Christian Church  --  with a lot of problems, admittedly.    They are wonderfull people and full of faith.  
If you give your heart to a false doctrine JD, one that is cobbled together by men - and bow to that.  Would you consider this to be an idol?
 what matters is what God said.-  the act of bowing down and praying to someone other that God/ Christ- is idolatry. Exod.20: 4
Good quote. When was the last time you saw a Catholic bow down to a false God?   You really do not know what you are talking about, here. 
Sure he knows what he is talking about JD.  Catholics bow their hearts to false doctrine and images all the time. They are all over their churches and the ppl they revere as saints prayed to them. The fellow with the stigmata who is called a saint today received that sign while praying to Mary - where have you been?
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing in heaven or that is in the earth beneath,... thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I the Lord am a jealous God. St John didn't  know he was doing wrong by bowing to a angel but was also corrected- Rev 19:10  
 1 Cor 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor Idolaters....shall inherit the kingdom of God.  As concerning the faith of the catholics-Arn't we told to test faith by works 
There are few on  this site who  believes in testing the sprits.   Everythime I ask DM for some kind of evidence, some kind of verification for his claim to be an apostle and a prophet  -  I get silence. 
What do you expect from him JD?  To him you probably appear to be someone with a spirit of suspicion.  The gift doesn't work like
that.  Would you go up to a demonized person and ask if they had the spirit of the devil in them?
-and every man was judged by their works Rev:20;13? Or a tree by it's fruit?Therefore I will use God measuring rod to decide truth.Thes Catholics also removed the 2nd commandment of Idolatry and divided the 10th commandment (coveting)into two commandments-making ten commandments-back to our same old question of why would they remove they words in the first place?
I don't believe there is idolatry in the Catholic church  --  certainly not of the kind God in scripture references. 
Then you are as blind as they are JD and can be of no use in getting them set free from the error of their bonds..

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