cd: Actually you have taken my words out of context and misquoted me Gary-Shame on you- But I am willing to forgive just ask- if not you are forgiven anyway-and I do mean that-may God bless you and give you his light in a higher way.:-)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 1/9/2006 10:34:32 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christ - incarnate God (Judy)

classic/tt hall of fame quote:
>To me these other versions only add confusion..the KJV is enough for me -- cd
..I used the NASV and Amp because they were the closest to the computer at the time.
They say the same as the KJV because this verse (V.20) speaks of the Father rather than Christ.
cd: To me these other versions only add confusion-which I do need any more of  because there seems to be more than enough to go around-So I will quote you as saying" the KJV is enough for me":-)

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