No I most certainly don't Dean; those are Bill's words and Bill's concepts.  Not mine.  What I believe is that
he was not born by procreation like the rest of us since he had no human father.  Mary may have
contributed an ovum but the male determines a child's gender and his spiritual inheritance also comes by
way of the father (ie the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children) and these are some of the reasons
why I can not accept the "orthodox" claim that he was exactly the same as us in every way.
On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 06:03:19 -0500 "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  cd: Judy is what Bill say in the below true-do you view Christ as being made of a special kind of flesh? 
----- Original Message -----
From: Taylor
Sent: 1/18/2006 10:25:23 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Jesus , neither God nor Man

Certainly I think Jesus was born of God, Dean. And I will be glad to address that aspect of his person. But before going there I would like to clearly state that you seem to be making a different argument than Judy's. And if you are, then my question would not apply in the same way to you as it does to her. And so, I would like you to be sure you are truly affirming the same things as she, before you speak on her behalf.
From my understanding of Judy's position, she denies that Jesus was born a flesh-and-blood descendant of David through physical birth to Mary. She believes that God made a special kind of flesh for Jesus and put it in Mary's womb, and that that flesh was unrelated to fallen humankind, being only "similar" to that of us. That is, she believes Jesus' flesh was like Adam's before he fell. Hence because of her beliefs, Judy cannot affirm the teaching that Jesus is a physical descendant of Adam, and that he is the physical Seed of Abraham and the physical Seed of David, all according to the flesh.
You, on the other hand, write that you are not denying the biblical teaching that Jesus was the Seed of David according to the flesh and that he was born of David's flesh and blood. You appear to be affirming the truth that Jesus' humanity came from the fruit of David's "genitals" (Friberg) according to the flesh. In short, you seem to believe that Jesus really was David's "offspring."
Dean, that is a different position all-together from Judy's. My question for you is, did you realize what you were affirming when answering my question?

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