Lance, one thing I have learned about you is that you do not pay attention, your
pre conceived ideas rule in your own mind.  I have said over, and over, and over
and over that I do not consign ppl anywhere.  This is not my call to make and so
far as I am concerned as long as there is physical life there is hope.  I have seen
our own son, once a rebel now hungry for God's Word with God giving him
understanding (which if you had known him before you would also say is a miracle). 
By the same token I am not presumptive enough to declare who is and who is not a
"family member" - (In God's Kingdom family that is).  This call is also His and will
happen in His time when He separates the sheep from the goats.  In the meantime
the wheat and the tares will grow together since there appears to be a lot of confusion
and little or no discernment and discipline in the present day professing Church.

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
David: Does "provoked to respond this way" (employing an "acerbic tone" with
accompanying critical and, itself provocative language, which critiques
beliefs/persons which another holds dear) entail SIN(NING)? Do you, David,
on occasion do the same thing on TT or, elsewhere?
"Come on guys" ?? You sound a little like Rodney what's his name."Family"
disputations over matters of substance may entail more than "an apology to
Jesus", David. Just ask Judy as she regularly consigns ppl to "the pit" who
are themselves "family members".

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: January 27, 2006 17:43
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Was Jesus of God's Nature?
> Lance wrote:
>> IFO actually believe that Judy can't imagine
>> why the 4 of us 'read' her as we do. The
>> acerbic tone employed, IMO, is apparent
>> to all save Judy.
> I'm not sure we all read Judy in the same way, Lance.  What I mean is that
> her "acerbic tone" might seem a little more acerbic to you than it does to
> me.  What I wonder is if you and others recognize that she has been
> provoked
> to respond this way.  I also wonder if you think that Bill's tone also was
> a
> little sharp.
> Come on, guys, let's get back to meaningful discussions rather than
> judging
> one another.
> David Miller
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
> know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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