Lance wrote:
> 1.Please define 'believer'

Someone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and has 
experienced being born again from above, who thereafter receives the Holy 
Spirit to lead and guide him into all truth.  A believer is rigtheous and 
walks as Jesus walked.

Lance wrote:
>2. Can a 'believer' sin over an extended period of time a. wilfully b. 

Such is not permitted, but it is possible.  If a believer were to sin 
through ignorance, the Lord would chastize that person and lead them back to 
righteousness.  A person in such a situation is restored because of his 
faith and the hand of the Lord upon him.  On the other hand, if he continues 
on in sin, he can only do so by breaking away from his faith in Christ.  If 
the believer wilfully sins, he is in the same shoes as Lucifer.  He is no 
longer a believer and there is no more sacrifice for his sins.

Lance wrote:
>3. Please outline the role of 'believing' women a. within the 'believing' 
>community b. within the family c. within society d. within

This is a broad question that cannot adequately be answered briefly.  Women 
have talents and attributes that make them better suited for certain roles 
and men likewise are better suited for certain roles.  No field should be 
"off limits" but we should not think something is wrong if we don't have 
equal numbers of women and men in particular fields.  For example, it is 
natural for there to be more women nurses than men nurses.  In like manner, 
it is natural for there to be more men playing football than women.  In 
regards to the family, it is best for women to be homemakers, guiding the 
house and teaching the children.  Men should be responsible to labor and 
provide for the family's needs.  These roles should not be mandated in a 
legislative way, nor is there necessarily something wrong if there is some 
variation from this generalization.  In regards to government, it is natural 
for men to assume the highest positions of ruling, but women also should be 
incorporated into government inasmuch as there are women who desire such. 
Generally speaking, I think most women prefer for men to lead in these 
areas.  They would prefer for men to take upon themselves such 

Lance wrote:
>4. Please outline your position on 'believers' & slavery as practiced in 
>your country

Historically, the believers in our country led the way for better treatment 
of slaves.  Some of them worked to abolish slavery altogether.  The problem 
of slavery in this country resulted from a departure from the Scriptural 
guidelines concerning it.

Lance wrote:
>5. Please evaluate the treatment by 'believers' of first nations peoples as 
>practiced in your own country both past and present.

In our country, we do not call them First Nations.  We call them Native 
Americans or American Indians.  Believers for the most part have sacrificed 
their lives to bring the gospel to American Indians, to educate them and 
civilize them.  One would have a hard time understanding this if they only 
watched modern movies coming out of Hollywood.  If you read the history, 
such is much better understood.

Lance wrote:
>6. Limiting your consideration only to the history of your nation, have 
>'believers' been a force for good/ill vis a vis women, slaves & first 
>nations peoples?

Believers have been a force for good concerning all three groups.

David Miller 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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