No I do not.
I believe "You will know them by their fruit" lance and a good tree does not bring forth
evil fruit.  Why would you think otherwise?
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 11:36:15 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I've got a huge difference Judy with the 'sinless ones' on TT over just such as this.
I ACTUALLY DO BELIEVE that both of the aforementioned can be both believers and 'guilty as charged'. Don't you?
Proof of the pudding is in the eating Lance - and out of the abundance that fills the
heart the mouth speaks.  I would not call what comes out of either mouth the "oracles
of God" ie Cheney's expletive to Patrick L. on the floor of the Senate along with
Limbaughs lifestyle and language. None of which reflect any part of the 'image of
Christ'  The Wrong kind of fruit proceeds from the wrong root Lance.
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 09:51:09 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
You are simply incorrect on this, Judy. I've heard it out of their own mouths. The rest is with God.
Limbaugh's father is or was a believer; he does not profess to be one
and neither does Cheney other than possibly the nominal kind. Where do you
get your information from Lance?  Nominal ppl who say they are Christians
are "natural men"

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
David said: 'much' Not not at all then, David? Limbaugh/Cheney both profess
to be believers. No David, not hyperbole. They are spiritual men and, not
natural men. Who are you to judge otherwise?
'We might not' David includes you does it not?

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: February 21, 2006 10:06
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Let 'Haliburton' = Sin
>I don't follow Rush Limbaugh much, but I am skeptical of the assertion that
> he thinks Haliburton and Cheney can do no wrong.  Are you using a little
> hyperbole to make a point?
> In any case, it is dangerous to talk about natural men and compare that to
> what happens when one is placed into Christ.  Jesus Christ is not natural.
> He is unique, and being placed in him transforms lives in a very
> supernatural way.  The problem is that some people claim to have been
> placed
> in Christ, but they really have not yet experienced him.  I have been
> shocked over seeing this materialize in one person recently.  It is
> amazing
> the capacity we have to think good of people who do not deserve it.  We
> really need to be looking at Scripture concerning the promise.  If we look
> at other people and systems, whether Cheney and Haliburton, or a Christian
> and the church, we may not be looking at the right standard concerning the
> reality of the promise of Jesus Christ in regards to righteousness and
> holiness.
> David Miller.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Lance Muir
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:18 AM
> Subject: [TruthTalk] Let 'Haliburton' = Sin
> To Rush Limbaugh Haliburton and, by extension, Cheney can do no wrong.
> To the critics of Haliburton and, by extension, Cheney can do no right.
> IFO view Haliburton and, by extension, Cheney as somewhere in between.
> It depends upon the criteria brought to bear on the analysis. I look at
> the
> NT epistles and see Paul as taking the 'somewhere in between' stance as to
> 'Haliburton'.
> L
> ----------
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