No my Strongs is right here; I see God gifting certain ones for the building of the Tabernacle
in the wilderness and I see Levitical musicians - both for the purpose of worship. I am asking
about the Bob Dylans, Gary Olsens, Mozarts, Van Goughs etc. Where is the worldly heritage
of culture and arts found in Israel?  Can you show me chapter and verse please?
On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 07:04:45 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Artists abound in Scripture. Did you lose your 'strong's'?
Yes, well are you saying that God needs some of them to exalt themselves in His Name
with their so called "original thoughts" So where in scripture are all the artists among God's
Covenant people Israel?
On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 06:39:16 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Gary is the one artist on TT.
I thank the Lord for that if what you have been proferring are "original thoughts"
Remember GO - There is nothing new under the sun, it has all been thought, said,
and done before.  Your so called "original thoughts" may not be as original as you
On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 21:33:27 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
indeed, it suggests you are incapable of thinking an original thought
On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 23:16:22 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
No evidence suggests that I am not in the habit of proof texting

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