You will be missed!

ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since I came back to TT at the request of Dean, I think I'll depart also.
Nothing has changed. I'll miss my friends, but not the backbiters. Izzy

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dean Moore
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 10:49 AM
To: TruthTalk
Subject: [TruthTalk] David Miller-Remove me.

cd: David you were given you choice and I think people should have to live
with their decisions- Remove me from this list.You chose Mormons and Liars
over you brother in Christ-The choice wasn't whether or not Gary and Kevin
came back to your list. The choice was for me to Moderate their offences an
allow them to correct the wrongs they done-then if you wanted me to step
down I would have again.. Now it has escalated into a stronger grievance as
the guilty harmed the innocent and you stopped Judgement-but only temporary
as the truth will indeed find you out. This is the price on pays when one
is part secular and part Christian-as this site is indeed a reflection of
you and conflict with the very reason God intended for His children to
separate from on-going sinners-You in effect have brought the Devil in
their mists- as these Pagans and other Cultist are following Satan-He is
their God. I will pray for you and may God bless you.. Remove me from this
list. Sorry Kevin /Judy/ Izzy but I have much studying to catch up on-I
would heed Perry warning if I were you-but do as God leads you. Know that I
love you in the Lord and no hell bound Demon can take that love away.
Concerning the Hell debate: A parable does not take from the subject- it
strengthens truth by expanding upon that subject to shed farther light on
the intent of the Parable. For example the rich man -lifted up his eyes
from hell. Due to this parable we know that there is flaming torment in
Hell-nor one drop of water there and no way out...etc I would also like to
believe that someone pointed out that sheol(the garbage heap) is clearly
defined separately from the lake of fire that burns forever and ever-The
use of Sheol in Pslms 9:17 would weaken the text considerably. Here is a
quote from my Bible that fits this situation."Since Hell is a fearful
place,it is comfort that the One who talked the most about it also made a
way to escape its torments."For more details look up "Parable" in the
Yours in Christ- Carroll D. Moore

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know
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