Elder Smith had, previous to this time, deliberately concluded to disown all names but the name Christian, and had taught that the name Christian was the only one for Christ's followers to wear. In the year 1802 he began his work in Portsmouth, N. H., where in 1803 he organized a "Church of Christ," owning Him as their only Master, Lord and Lawgiver, and agreeing to consider themselves Christian without the addition of any unscriptural name.
Wonder where the LDS belief came from?
The true church must bear the name of Jesus Christ (Eph 5:23)
Millard lived most of his adult life in the area south of Rochester, New York, but he traveled extensively. He secured a place for himself in the Trinitarian controversy while he was yet young by publishing a short; work on the subject in 1818
Before they were Campbellites they were Christ-ians
By 1840, however, the rift between Campbell and the New England Christians was certain. By that time they accused Stone of having gone over to the Campbellites
(Joe would have been about 16, as LDS say "how could such a young boy make up the BoM?)
The elder Smith had been a Universalist, and subsequently a Methodist
But Joseph had a little ambition, and some very laudable aspirations; the mother's intellect occasionally shone out in him feebly, especially when he used to help us to solve some portentous questions of moral or political ethics, in our juvenile debating club, which we moved down to the old red school-house on Durfee street, to get rid of the annoyance of critics that used to drop in upon us in the village; amid, subsequently, after catching a spark of Methodism in the camp-meeting, away down in the woods, on the Vienna road, he was a very passable exhorter in evening meetings.

Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> In short, Modalism !!

Sort of Like the RESTORATIONISTS of the pre "Church of Christ" -
"CHRIST-ian church"?
Sounds more like your HERITAGE!
The guys who thaought, the only name for the TRUE church is to have the
name of CHRIST thus the Christian Church!

Some of these fellas Like David Millard, lived a scant 13 miles from
Joe Smith and thus the MODALISM in the BoM!
"Book of Mormon theology is generally modalistic. In the Book of
Mormon, God and Jesus Christ are not distinct beings." (New Approaches
to the Book of Mormon, 1993, pages 82, 96-99, 103-104, 110)
"Behold, I am he who was prepared from the foundation of the world to
redeem my people. Behold I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the
Son. In me shall all mankind have light... they shall become my sons
and my daughters." (Ether 3:14)

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In short, Modalism !!
> Modalism
> The error that there is only one person in the Godhead who
> manifests himself in three forms or manners: Father, Son, and Holy
> Spirit.
> jd
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> More accurately, one person in three manifestations
> On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 06:27:25 -0500 "Lance Muir"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>writes:
> From: ShieldsFamily
> Unity in Diversity.
> Fatness in Skinniness.
> Ugliness in Beauty.
> Dumbness in Intelligence.
> Wisdom in Nonsense.
> Jibberish in Eloquence.
> iz
> If your idea were so JD then Jesus would have prayed "make them
> "unity in diversity" just as we are ...
> I see that nowhere in scripture. Jesus said if someone had seen him
> they had seen the Father
> because he did only what he first saw the Father do and he said only
> what he first heard from the
> Father. This is the kind of unity he was praying about JD. Unifying
> around rebellion is what the
> end times "harlot church" is all about.
> On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 07:11:21 +0000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> We shall be one as He and the Father are one, someday, Judy. Right
> now, unity inspite of diversity is all we've got.
> Because you and I are not of the same Christ does not mean that unity
> in diversity does not exist. jd
> From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Agreed! I to hate all the isms and all the ologies.
> In fact I don't see why we can not lay them aside so that we may
> recognize the faith
> once delivered to the saints and "walk in Truth" or reality. Jesus
> was not referring to any
> "Unity in diversity" in John 17. He prayed they would be One as He
> and the Father are One
> Is "Unity in diversity" how you see the Godhead or "Trinity?" JD
> On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 05:33:59 -0500 "Lance Muir"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>writes:
> Sectarianism! Amen! Have you (of course you have) taken note of those
> who so identify others as sectarians while their group (sect) is thus
> reflective of a repristinated gospel. They seem themselves as
> 'recovering' the truth.
> It has occurred to me that legalism, although unattractive as it is,
> is not my real complaint. Henceforth and forever more, I will be
> opposed to sectarianism. The legal content of the sectarian is often
> different -- but the sectarian is the same kind of cat, regardless
> of his/her stripes. They are the ones who oppose the unity concerns
> expressed by Christ in John 17. There can be unity in diversity.
> In sectarian circles, the only unity that exists is one borne of the
> fear of reprisal. jd
> One other thought on the creation thread. I wrote my remarks more
> because of Conor than for any other reason. My comments can stand
> on their own, I believe. I do not believe in a 6000 year old earth
> nor do I beleive the bible teaches such - for the reasons stated.
> Could the earth be only 6000 years old. I suppose so, but only the
> sectarians beleive such, IMHO. Is God the creator? Now that is
> the real question. I would think we all agree on the answer to that
> question.
> End of the matter for me. And, so, the opportunity to delve into
> the character of the opponent is side tracked. Motivation be
> damned -- in a biblical sense , of course.
> jd
> From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > John wrote:
> > > To your first question , "no."
> >
> > If I get time, I will try and present some of it for you.
> >
> > John wrote:
> > > To your second question, either you
> > > did not read my post or you have
> > > decided to insult my presentation?
> >
> > I read your post very carefully. I am not trying to insult you at
> all.
> > Most of your argument revolves around why we should consider using
> a
> > figurative meaning. This is the approach I hear from most Bible
> scholars,
> > but the pressure for doing this seems to come from science not good
> > theology, in my opinion.
> >
> > The strongest statement you make is where you point out that Gen.
> 2:4 uses
> > the word day figuratively. This is easily understood to be
> figurative, but
> > ; the uses of the word day prior to this are numbered. The text
> says, First
> > Day, Second Day, Third Day, etc. It is hard to insist that numbered
> days
> > are figurative. It is the numbering of the day as well as its
> coupling with
> > the evening and morning statements that makes it difficult to
> perceive it as
> > being anything other than a specific time period measured by
> evening and
> > morning. You would have to argue that evening and morning were
> greatly
> > extended, or that they too are figurative, to maintain the
> figurative
> > chronology that you hold onto. There is the added problem of having
> plants
> > created long before the sun, moon, and stars? Not likely from a
> biologist's
> > perspective. So, in all, your perspective is not the most
> parsimonious
> > explanation. I remain skeptical of the figurative interpretation.
> >
> > What bothers me about the approach many theologians take to Genesis
> 1 is
> > that rather than trying to show from the text itself why the
> meaning must be
> > figurative, they just find ways to try and show why it could be
> read this
> > way. I have no trouble understanding that it might be read this
> way. I
> > have trouble with the idea that it should be read this way.
> >
> > What is the motivation for making it figurative? I believe the
> motivation
> > is cultural. It seems to me that if it were not for science and the
> claims
> > of science, theologians would not be taking a figurative approach
> to Genesis
> > 1. Do you see it different? Is there any way to argue directly from
> the
> > text (any thing in the Bible anywhere) for a very long process of
> creation?
> >
> > David Miller
> >
> > ====================
> > John, I have a couple questions for you.
> >
> > 1. Have you ever read John Whitcomb's theological treatment
> concerning the
> > length of the day in Genesis 1? I have read his perspective and
> even
> > discussed this perso nally with him before, but he comes from a
> theology
> > background and I come from a science background, so I don't know
> how well he
> > is accepted as a "t heologian." His arguments for why the day is
> not
> > figurative made a lot of sense to me.
> >
> > 2. Is there any THEOLOGICAL or TEXTUAL reason for you treating the
> day
> > figuratively? In other words, I don't have a problem with someone
> saying
> > that perhaps we should take the meaning figuratively, but I wonder
> if there
> > is any reason other than reconciliing with the assertions of
> science that a
> > theologian or Bible scholar would interpret the word day in Genesis
> 1 as
> > figurative. If we only had the Bible and the Holy Spirit guiding
> us, what
> > would be the reasons to view the day figuratively in Genesis 1?
> >
> > David Miller
> >
> > ----------
> > "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
> may know how
> > you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)
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> an email to
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