Why don't one of you POTENTATES fix it.
Or get your self some Pope or Protestant for a Politician.
This would be the specialty of the Reformed Catholics, they are gonna bring in the kingdom ya know they are the promised people (JEWS) and they are gonna bring us all kicking and screaming into their Kingdom. A New Order, Something like New Geneva. A reformed Christian Dominion. Lets take the kingdom!
A band of influential preachers is praying for the power to rule America. For those who disagree, they have a solution -- stoning.
Rushdoony's defining tome, the 800-page Institutes of Biblical Law, was published in 1973. But because of his extremism and overt racism -- he defended segregation and slavery -- Institutes and its author were largely ignored in mainstream circles until the movement launched by Schaeffer found intellectual grounding in Rushdoony's voluminous writings.
It is No concern of mine.
render to Cesear what is Cesear's
I told you before I do not believe in THEOCRACIES!

We are still waitig  !!!!!
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Someone said
render to Cesear what is Cesear's

So which fundamentalist version  of creation do you support.  That A & E were spirit people.   A 6000 year date or a 10,000 or an "unknown" e.t.  ?   The version that says it took God 144 hours to speak words that can be   spoken in 24 seconds !!!   I just did it in 24 big ones  !!   including a drink of water because my mouth was getting dry. 
Consensus has NOTHING to do with !!   Rad Fundies cannot agree on much of anything.   Which version goes into the school system ???  We are still waiting??
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Don't you get it JT?
TRUTH is found in CONSENSUS!
The opinions of Men are the key.....

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There isn't a single fiew of the whole church that is agreed upon
by the whole church either.  What does that prove?    judyt
On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 01:27:56 +0000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Perhaps the Bishop has the same concerns I do.   I know this  -- 
there isn't a single view of creationism that is agreed upon by the whole church.  
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
John wrote:
> The world in which we live would reject
> any mention of God in the evolutionary process, 
> IMO.   But  creationism in the schools?   Could
> that not be considered the beginnings of a fanatical
> fundamentalist take-over of the culture?
ROTFLOL.  I sure hope you were being facetious on purpose.
John wrote:
> But to allow a mere  statement that suggests God
> is somehow in control as the Creator(?)   If this
> could be presented into the secular system of
> education without it being coopted by the fundies 
> --  go for it.   But I doubt that it can.  What a shame
> that radical fundamentalism within Christiandom forces
> the Body to dismiss a perfectly wonderful opportunity
> to introduce the Creator to others. 
In case you did not notice, the fundamentalists are not causing the acknowledgement of our Creator to be forbidden in schools.  It is the liberal loonies like this Archbishop of Canterbury who are doing this.
David Miller

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