
We at gcoop, are glad to announce the first release of tryton-filestore-s3


It defines a filestore [0] which uses S3 AWS Storage to store the
It works with trytond > 4.2 and it just requires to configure the
database class as `tryton_filestorage_gs.FileStoreGS` and the bucket id.
It uses boto3 python library. The authentication needs to be register configure also at database class.

[0] http://doc.tryton.org/tip/trytond/doc/ref/filestore.html#filestore

This module was developed by gcoop in association with Gotsho. We
We would like to thanks Gotsho for sharing this feature.

Also, we thanks B2CK, so this code is based on the tryton-filestore-gs backend implementation.

Luciano Rossi - lu...@gcoop.coop
http://gcoop.coop - Cooperativa de Software Libre
Julián Alvarez 958 CABA C1414DRT +54 11 4771-0055

Visitá www.tiendas.coop - www.nube.coop

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